All about Siwon

Friday, January 24, 2014

[TRANSCRIPT + PIC] 140123 Happy Together Ep. 335 with Siwon and Jackie Chan

Siwon: when I was young. There was a rumor that my father is a yakuza. The rumor started because my father came to my entrance and graduation ceremony with his employees.. in black sedan, in suits.. ㅋㅋ like from movie 'Friends'. After that, the teachers looked at me differently.
MCs: What is his job then?
Siwon: He's just a businessman kkkk
MCs said there's a rumor that Siwon's family owns a helicopter. Siwon said they don't own one ㅋㅋ

 Everybody voted for Jackie Chan, but Siwon voted for his own dish ㅋㅋ

Siwon's dish:
Or(ganic) Breasts- Made with raw egg, chicken breasts, sesame seed, perilla oil and tuna. Siwon said he eat it during filmings. He lost 14kg by eating only that and eats it during filmings because he love eating, but when he eat, his face swells easily. He said he exercise to eat ㅋㅋ

Happy Together w Siwon end :)
trans by: NKSubs
re-posted by: chindy pratiwi